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PHP Development with VS Code: A Comprehensive Guide Part 3

In the previous article, we discussed the importance of debugging in PHP development and highlights Visual Studio Code’s (VS Code) powerful debugging capabilities. It covered the process of setting up debugging configurations in VS Code, using breakpoints to pause code execution and inspect variables, and utilized Xdebug for advanced debugging functionalities. By mastering these debugging techniques, developers can troubleshoot PHP code efficiently and effectively in VS Code, improving the overall development process. In this article, we will discuss working with Git in VS Code.

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Working with Git in VS Code

Git is a popular version control system that allows you to track changes to your code, collaborate with others, and roll back changes if necessary. VS Code provides excellent support for Git, with features such as the ability to stage and commit changes, create branches, and resolve merge conflicts. In this article, we’ll show you how to use Git in VS Code to manage your code and collaborate with others.

Setting up a Git repository in VS Code

To start using Git in VS Code, you’ll need to set up a Git repository. This involves initializing a new Git repository in your project folder and adding your code to it. To set up a Git repository in VS Code, go to the Source Control tab in VS Code (by clicking on the Source Control icon in the left sidebar). Click on the “Initialize Repository” button to create a new Git repository, and then stage and commit your code changes.

Using Git commands in VS Code

VS Code provides a range of Git commands that you can use to manage your code. These include commands for staging and committing changes, creating branches, and resolving merge conflicts. To access the Git commands in VS Code, go to the Source Control tab and use the buttons and menus in the panel. You can also use the Git command palette to execute Git commands by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) and typing “Git”.

Collaborating with others using Git

Git makes it easy to collaborate with others on a code project. You can use Git to push and pull changes to and from a remote repository, such as GitHub or GitLab. To push or pull changes in VS Code, use the buttons and menus in the Source Control tab. You can also use the Git command palette to execute Git push and pull commands.

With these Git skills in your toolkit, you’ll be able to manage your code and collaborate with others more effectively. In the next article, we’ll cover some best practices for PHP development in VS Code.

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