
Windows 7 End of Support

Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows 7 on January 13, 2015. If your business is still running on Windows 7, you have some important decisions to make, and not a lot of time remaining. Windows 7 extended [...]

Windows 7 End of Support2020-06-12T11:14:50-05:00

Office 2019

Microsoft released Office 2019 for Windows and Mac. This is the first big update to Microsoft Office since the 2016 version, which brings lots of changes. If you are not using Office 365, then you must purchase [...]

Office 20192020-06-12T11:14:37-05:00

Windows 10 version 1809

Top features Syncs clipboard history between your devices Dark theme for File Explorer Text from Your PC and Phone New Snip & Sketch Tool for easier screenshots SwiftKey keyboard with a more accurate auto-correct and predictions (adapts [...]

Windows 10 version 18092020-06-12T11:14:22-05:00